I love roasting coffee. It’s a mindful activity. At the same time, I use it as an opportunity to listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos related to branding, marketing, and social media. One of my favorite people to read and listen to is Gary Vaynerchuk (known as Gary Vee). I watched several episodes yesterday while roasting where he was interviewed. Throughout the interview, he covered a wide variety of topics, from social media to marketing. But something he shared stopped me in my tracks …

In a world of seemingly shorter and shorter attention spans and so many brands vying for our attention, how do we stand out? What differentiates Loam Coffee from the myriad of other coffee roasters, let alone those with similar vibe or ethos?

Also, how do we cut through the social media noise, connect with our current audience, and attract more? There are countless YouTube tutorials about creating the perfect Reel with a great hook that grows our reach. If we’re not careful, business becomes reduced to tactics and methods to get more sales. Yes, a company can only exist if it’s selling products. But is there more? This is why Gary Vee’s comment was a great reminder. What did he say?

He talked about the businesses that he owns and runs. The bottom line he is pursuing is not money but to bring value to people. To make their lives better. That’s why businesses exist.

That is something I wholeheartedly agree with and believe in. At the same time, it’s easy to get tunnel vision, where daily life is about executing a business plan and social media marketing strategy. When I took back over Loam Coffee in March of 2023, it was all gas and no brakes. I worked hard to get Loam on a positive growth curve, not only in social media reach and growth but also in sales. Things have been moving in the right direction. However, Gary Vee’s comment was the reminder that I needed.

I began asking myself these questions …. why am I doing this? What value does Loam Coffee bring? How are we positively making a difference?

Those questions haunt me in a good way. In a city like Portland, there is a coffee roaster seemingly on every corner. The coffee aisles in our grocery stores are lined with bags from local roasters. What an amazing city to live in! It’s like coffee nirvana.

Often, we buy from brands that align with our values. In a world with endless options, we choose and buy from companies representing who we are. What we wear, drive, or drink becomes part of our identity. No, I don’t mean that in a shallow or superficial way. There is an alignment of values that prompts us to support certain companies, from bike brands to apparel companies to component makers and more.

You may or may not have noticed, but I’ve slowed down on social media posting for Loam. No, it’s not the algorithm’s fault (even though a tiny percentage of our followers will even see a post). But after going all-out for over a year to right this ship, I am slowing down a touch on the social media marketing side of things. Yes, I’m still roasting coffee and filling orders. But I want time to marinate on the question, “What value does Loam Coffee create?”

I appreciate you all, especially for your grace and support of this company. I want to continue to grow in the area of creating value for people through Loam Coffee.

Words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com
