It’s that time of the year … time for the release of the next issue of the quarterly LOAM Zine. The LOAM Zine is our free gift to you. It’s a fun digital magazine about all things coffee, stories, and stoke. What is in the Winter 2024 issue?

I vividly remember where I was sitting when we launched that Fall 2023 issue. I was in a coffee shop in Cedar City, Utah, attending the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) Trail Lab on behalf of Trail Builder Magazine. One of IMBA’s mottos is “more trails close to home.” It’s that topic that we write about in our latest zine. The title? “More Trails Close to Home.” What else?

I am partial to off-the-beaten-path places. Places that are truly amazing and special but don’t receive much hype or fanfare. That’s why I wrote a story about one of my favorite places to ride. Those in the area know it well and love it, but it’s not a hype-worthy or a destination for mountain bike enthusiasts. But that doesn’t mean it’s amazing. Spoiler alert … it is fantastic.

In the Winter 2024 LOAM Zine, I will share an update on Nacho the Van with you. If you’ve been following along on social media, you know that Nacho was stolen and thrashed before the police found it. Nacho in the front end of a long road to recovery. I actually just chatted with our mechanic before I started typing this. Being an older van, it’s definitely a challenge sourcing parts. However, we’re confident Nacho will be not only up and running by serving coffee to mountain bikes and trail builders at a trailhead or even near you.

Lastly, one of the best parts about enjoying coffee is experimenting with various brew methods. Each way coffee is brewed highlights something unique about the coffee. From pourover to AeroPress to espresso to a moka pot, we all have our favorites. For the bew methods articles in the Winter 2024 LOAM Zine, we’re sharing with you about a very peculiar brew meths device … the Cafflano Kompresso. It looks like something straight out of a high school science lab. The question is … does it brew good coffee?

As with each issue, we offer our LOAM Zine free to all new and current newsletter subscribers. It’s as simple as that. If you’re not a subscriber, click the button below to sign up and receive your free Winter 2024 LOAM Zine. For current subscribers, check your email inbox for your download.

Words and photo by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

