The best part by far of taking Loam Coffee back over has been reconnecting with many of you. I continue to receive emails and DMs from many customers and ambassadors whom I’ve not chatted with in several years. There’s a lot of excitement again about Loam Coffee. At the same time, I understand I have a long road ahead to rebuild or renew trust …

Trust and credibility are essential not only to me but to Loam Coffee. In the end, that’s all we have, right? Our reputation. Is our reputation trustworthy? If not, why? In business transitions, a lot can get lost. Conversations may accidentally get cut off or emails deleted, and more. One of my “oh no” moments has turned into something beautiful. Digging through the email archives, I found a handful of emails that were never replied to. Some of these were non-profit organizations reaching out to Loam Coffee for support in sending coffee for fundraisers. Some of the emails were 1-2 years old. So I decided to reply.

I was surprised and encouraged by people’s grace and kindness. That is powerful. It was also a connection and lesson for me. I was reminded that people don’t as much care about perfection from a brand. Instead, honesty and authenticity are essential. We all make mistakes. I made many mistakes in the months and years before selling Loam Coffee. I am bound and guaranteed to continue to make mistakes. The difference this time around, I don’t feel the need to try and hide them. But instead, to own them and make apologies and amends when needed.

We all know this, but Loam Coffee isn’t a perfect brand. That’s because I’m not perfect. However, I am striving to rebuild trust and credibility as a brand. The only way to do that is not with words, but actions … and actions over time. I know I’ve said this so many times, but I am truly humbled and grateful for you all and the kindness you’ve extended to me since taking back over Loam Coffee. Not only that, but you’re excited about our coffee, and it’s encouraging to watch our sales grow week by week. That’s a good sign and significant to move us closer to some of the social objectives and plans I’m working on.

Thank you, Loam Family.

Words by Sean Benesh. Photo by Heather Carter.

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

