Yep, you heard it. We’re rebooting the Loam Coffee Ambassador Program. Hopefully, this reboot is better than most modern-day reboots … White Men Can’t Jump, Space Jam, Red Dawn, and more. Most of the time, we inwardly cringe when we hear the word “reboot.” I even heard talks of rebooting the Twilight series … criminal.

But rebooting the Loam Coffee Ambassador Program? This will be like the reboots we all love and are glad happened. I was never a Star Trek fan until they rebooted the movies. Now I’m a fan. So why does this program exist?

Community. Family.

It’s as simple as that. And with any healthy relationship, it’s a give-give, making it a win-win. What do I mean by that? Everyone benefits from this. You get discounts on our products, insider information, and your own newsletter, and we benefit from you spreading the Loam Coffee stoke by sharing and tagging us in your content.

Here’s the good news. We have a new updated Rider Sponsor Packet, which gives you all the details about this program. How do you apply? Easy, click on the button below to go to our contact page. Once there, fill out the form. You’ll also see this information.


First of all … that is a great question! We’re stoked that you’re thinking about us, that you dig our coffee (hopefully), and are interested in riding for us. If you’re a racer (enduro, downhill, xc), show us what you got … videos, photos, race results, etc. (IG, Pinkbike, etc.). Also, tell us about you, your dreams, goals, etc. If you’re a freerider / lifestyle rider, again … show us what you got … videos, photos, etc. The same thing applies to the racers ... we want to learn about (or see) your involvement and exposure (IG, Pinkbike, etc.). Also, tell us about you, your dreams, goals, etc.

If you have any questions, please drop me an email.

Photos by Jason O’Neil. Words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

