If you’ve checked out the coffee selection on our website, you would’ve noticed we only had two coffee offerings listed. Behind the scenes, we were doing a lot of recalibration … adding more coffees, transitioning to a different roasting space, creating new labels, and more.

But now? We have coffee! Four, to be exact (we already had the Trail Builder Blend listed, but it has a new label). Here they are!

Ethiopian Sidamo

Sidamo enjoys soil and climatic conditions-including altitude, rainfall, and temperature - that make it perfect for the production of Arabica Coffee. Specialty grade coffee from Sidamo is grown mainly in small villages (kebeles). Sidamo is well known for its production of "garden coffee". The coffee is planted at low density, ranging from 1000 to 1800 trees per hectare, and is mostly fertilized with organic matter. All of the coffee produced under this system is agronomically organic, but most is not certified as such.

FLAVOR: Chocolate, Citrus Fruit, Citrus Zest

BODY: Light


PROCESS: Natural

GEOGRAPHY: Region Sidamo. Altitude 1500-2200

PRODUCER: Various Smallholders

VARIETY: Heirloom Varietals


Guatemala Huehuetenango

About the Region 

Huehuetenango is the highest and driest of Guatemala's non-volcanic regions. This renowned region owes much to the dry, hot winds that come in from the mountains of Mexico's Tehuantepec plain. The additional heat layers protect Huehuetenango from frost and enable coffee to grow at altitudes of 2,000 masl. 

Due to the high altitude, nearly all of Huehuetenango's producers process their own coffee. Fortunately, the region has rivers and streams in abundance, so mills can be placed almost anywhere. 

GEOGRAPHY: Region Huehuetenango. Altitude: 1500-1900

PRODUCER: Various Smallholders

VARIETY: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica


HARVEST TIME: December - March

Peru Cajamarca - Decaf 

Coffee producers in Santo Domingo are serious about picking only the ripest cherries, so it can take up to five pickings to fully harvest. After each picking, the cherry is pulped immediately, and the parchment is fermented for approximately 12 hours and then washed and dried. While it is drying on patios, it is turned several times, which helps to achieve the region's particularly beautiful shade of green. The coffee was decaffeinated by Swiss Water using clean, pure water.

VARIETALS: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Pache & Catimor

ALTITUDE: 1,550–1,900 m

PROCESS: Fully washed, sun-dried and Swiss Water Decaffeination Process

TASTING NOTES: Milk Chocolate, Green Apple, Caramel

Bursting with fruity high elevation coffee combinations, this coffee is a bright delight.

You've heard of the adage "no dig, no ride." We wanted to dedicate a coffee to all of you who spend endless hours working on trails.

The Trail Builder Blend’s rich chocolatey sweetness and is well-balanced to ensure a classic and timeless experience. Throughout the year we source a diverse range of beans from all over the world to ensure a consistent flavor profile you can rely on.

Photos and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com
