It seems like a rare occasion when you show up for a trail building day, and there’s no coffee. Most often, people are simply bringing their own. Other times, someone will swing by a Starbucks and pick up donuts along the way. Either way, we know coffee is essential. Especially since trail building season goes throughout the winter here in the Pacific Northwest. Mornings typically are cold (but not freezing) and damp.

Coffee matters.

Usually, when we all begin gathering before the dig day begins, there are many standing around, chatting, catching up, and laughing. People take sips of their coffee as we wait for everyone else to show up. At that point, we receive the instructions for the day before we set off to dig.

We’ve been fortunate to serve coffee at trail building days on numerous occasions. It’s a blast. Trail-building organizations are volunteer-run and powered. That means 100% of those who show up are volunteers on any given weekend. No one is getting paid to dig. Passion and love are the motivating factors. As a result, serving a freshly brewed pourover is a perfect way to thank volunteers.

When handing coffee to people who show up for dig days, it’s always met with a smile and a hearty “thank you!” It’s fun to serve those who’re serving and stewarding our trails. If it wasn’t for volunteers, we wouldn’t have trails. Simple as that.

If you’re ever interested in having us serve coffee at your next trail building event, hit us up! We’d be delighted to! Click the button below to drop us an email and tell us about your event.

Photos and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

