We all are creatures of habit. Sometimes those habits are good, but we tend to notice them when they are bad. Maybe not "bad" as in "really bad," but we definitely know areas in our lives where we're mailing it in. Perhaps we're even lazy in those areas as well.

Many of us have a yearly tradition that coincides with the coming of a new year. Something about the coming new year on the calendar prompts us to change ... to do something ... be someone different or better. And so, we make a list of personal reforms. We call them New Year's Resolutions.

At this point in the year, we're pretty good at lists anyways. I mean, we just came through Christmas, which is all about lists ... wish lists ... shoppings lists, etc. We create a list of things we want to change in our lives and even strive for in that same spirit. Most often, they are good and noble.

Lose 15 pounds of body weight.

Exercise 5 times a week.

Read 2 books a month.

Go back to grad school.

Learn a new language.

I usually see the impact of New Year's Resolutions at my local gym. Around this time of the year, it seems as though I have most of the place to myself. No lines, and I get in my workouts without ever having to wait for anything. Once the calendar hits January 1st (or maybe give it another day or two), all of a sudden, my gym is now brimming with people. Lots of fresh faces and lots of new shoes and color-matched outfits. My gym is no longer mine. I now wait for things.

Since I see this every year, I also know this ... February is coming.

Meaning, most New Year's Resolutions might last a month. So by February or mid-February, most resolutions have faded, and the gym is back to normal. I'm always happy for the owner because he now has many people on a recurring monthly membership who become too guilty to quit officially, so they are paying for a service they no longer use.

So why bring this up? What does this have to do with coffee?


I'm not asking you to drink more coffee or even less. I'm not even imploring you to switch up brew methods ... from pourover to aeropress to French press to moka pot. What I am asking you is this ...

Drink more coffee outside.

That's it.

More coffee outside.

Sure, along the way, you'll need to figure out how you're going to brew coffee at the trailhead, but there are plenty of articles on our website and posts on our social media to point you in the right direction. However you do it, drink more coffee outside.

While this may not rank up there with the noblest of New Year's Resolutions, we think it's a good one to start with.

Drink more coffee outside.

Happy New Year!
