Often, we’re traveling quite a ways to a trailhead to ride. It could be anywhere from 1-2 hours away (or more). What that also means is we’re not in a hurry. We’ve committed a whole day to ride and being with friends in the outdoors. So why should we settle for cold coffee at the trailhead?

Sure, it’s one thing to be still sipping on an iced Americano when pulling up to the trailhead, but a whole different thing to leave home with hot coffee only for it to be cold by the time you get there. Yes, we can also talk about what you’re putting your coffee into. Instead, let’s talk about making coffee at the trailhead.

What is the solution?

Brewing coffee when you get there.

It doesn’t have to be that complicated before you think of it as something requiring too much time and energy. All you need is (1) water, (2) a Jetboil, (3) an Aeropress, (4) coffee, (5) a hand grinder, and (6) a mug. That’s it. It’ll take you maybe 10 minutes to brew a cup. It’s easy and straightforward.

What are the benefits?

First of all, you’re now holding a freshly brewed cup of coffee in your hand. Since you’re not in a hurry anyway, you can sip on your coffee as you get everything set up for your ride. It makes the whole experience that much more enjoyable. You see, riding is about adventure and exploration. This is not a quick hit spin class at the gym. What’s the rush?

So much of mountain biking is about accessories that make our experience that much more enjoyable. It could range from a water tank and sprayer to clean a muddy bike off post-ride to something as simple as a towel to lay on our seat, so we don’t get mud everywhere. But what about coffee at the trailhead? That’s one accessory you should consider adding.
