Loam Coffee was started to support the mountain biking community. There are a lot of entry points into mountain biking. This ranges from riding, bike shops, bike and apparel brands, guiding companies, and so much more. We also know countless local trail building organizations make it happen weekly by putting in new trails and maintaining and upgrading existing ones.

We’ve always been behind trail building. Trail builders are the unsung heroes of mountain biking. While they won’t garner the attention of those who huck themselves off cliffs at events like Red Bull Rampage nevertheless, they are an integral part of mountain biking. Every weekend thousands … tens of thousands of riders across the continent and globe grab tools to dig, shape, and tamp trails. They forgo a precious day on their weekends simply to give back to their community and make a difference in tangible ways.

Several years ago, we created the Trail Builders Blend as a shoutout and thank you to all the volunteers and staff who make mountain biking happen by building and maintaining trails. We know it’s so much more than even digging. It involves advocacy work, showing up for meetings at City Hall, voting, and hammering out agreements with local, state, and federal agencies. Why? To make mountain biking not only happen but to create something that will long outlast us. This is why people dig and sacrifice.

Our Trail Builders Blend is a smooth cup of coffee that features one of our Brazilian single origins paired with a Honduran single origin. It makes for an approachable cup of coffee. To pick up your own bag, click the button below.
