Coffee is meant to be fun. One of the drums that we constantly beat is the need to eschew or put off all pretenses and coffee snobbery. Besides, when you really think about it ... the coffee "bean" is really a seed and all we're doing is roasting it up, grinding it, pouring hot water over it, and then drinking this brown water that we call coffee. (ok, it's a bit more complicated than that)

So we like to have fun. A lot of fun with our coffee. We're too busy riding our bikes, thinking about bikes, reading about bikes, buying new bike parts (or complete bikes), and watching videos about bikes to do anything less. For us when it comes to introducing new coffees we start with the rider and the trail first. In this case the rider is Loam Coffee Team Rider Justin Hodgson who lives and shreds in Revelstoke, BC. In working with him we asked him what his favorite trail is around home that we can name a coffee after and thus, Boondocker was born.

So what is Boondocker (trail) all about?

Here is what Trailforks has to say about the trail ... "Boondocker is moderately technical with lots of roots, and turns and loamy dirt that might get stuck on your goggles. Watch out for the Hot Dog Hallway jumps which get progressively larger as you descend. Make some noise when you drop-in and DO NOT PUSH BACK UP THE MIDDLE OF THE JUMP LINE if you want to ride them again."

So what is Boondocker (coffee) all about?

It is our Colombian Monte Bonito Pitalito Huila light roast coffee. Here are some of the details:

Roast Profile: light.

Region: Monte Bonita, Huila.

Farm: Monte Bonito.

Varietals: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia.

Notes: caramel, tobacco spice, subtle grapefruit finish.

Elevation: 1650-1790m.
