As we grow our team of sponsored riders we want to make sure we pause long enough in between roasting and sending out coffee all over the world to introduce you to the Loam Coffee family. We'll kick this off with a little Q&A with the newest Loam Coffee Rider ... Lauren Gregg. We asked her a slew of "hard-hitting" questions about life, riding, racing, and of course coffee. You'll learn how Lauren brews her coffee in her sweet new van.

What inspired you to get into mountain biking?

I sort of fell into mountain biking by accident! I didn't ride growing up, but I was a bored 18 year old in Los Angeles looking for a direction. I took out my dad's old mountain bike one day, and absolutely feel in love with it. The freedom the bike gave me was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I entered a few races and met the amazing mountain bike community, and I decided that riding is what I wanted to do with my life. I up and moved to the mountains and the rest is history. 

What do you love the most about racing?

My favorite part about racing is the places I get to go and the people I get to meet. Races are held in some of the raddest places and I love checking out new trails, and meeting mountain bikers on the road is always a great experience. There is a close-knit group of racers on the circuit that have also become like a family to me. 

What’s been the biggest challenge thus far?

My biggest challenge has been keeping everything balanced. I've always got so much going on, and I'm really stoked about lots of projects and plans, but having enough energy for everything while also focusing and excelling at racing is tough and oftentimes I spread myself too thin. I've had to refocus and practice keeping everything straight with this hectic schedule and lifestyle. 

Tell us about your new van

My new Ford Transit is amazing! Having a home on wheels is a game changer. It's so nice to have everything self-contained and have total freedom to park and ride anywhere I want to be. It's making racing a lot more convenient and I'm really looking forward to all the new experiences of life on the road. I've got a bed, kitchenette, running water, solar shower, and room for 4-5 bikes in the back, and the world is my backyard- so basically everything I need. It's liberating to pair down to the basics! 

What is your off-season like?

I like to spend time off the bike during the offseason to give my mind and body a break. This year I enjoyed the awesome snow season in Tahoe with lots of snowboarding, and got into kickboxing for cross-training to keep my fitness up. I like to spend lots of quality time with friends and family during the offseason as well since I'm so busy during the season. 

How important is coffee to your life? 

Coffee is absolutely necessary to my life! I'm always on the go, and good coffee is one of the most important parts of the ritual to my days. I love enjoying a cup before a ride or while I'm sitting down at my computer to do work. I need it for my mind and my body! So happy to be partnering with Loam!

What is your favorite way to brew coffee? 

I love my Aeropress. Grinding some fresh coffee and making a cup in the aeropress and then stepping outside of the van at sunrise ... that's my perfect morning. 

What music are you listening to now?

If I'm being honest? Colleegrove, the new 2Chainz album. I love rap and hip-hop. When I'm cruising in the van, I also love some good Americana road trippin' music. 

Anything else?

I'm super excited for the season! I've got lots of rad partnerships and plans for the season. I just launched my own brand, Turn Loose, that will be sponsoring up-and-coming mountain bike athletes next season. Can't wait to see what adventures this year will bring! 

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