Sometimes, riding your local trails becomes mundane. It’s like going to the gym each week, where it’s more of a discipline rather than an epic and awe-inspiring adventure. Don’t get me wrong, like going to the gym, I still enjoy riding on my local trails. However, it’s always good to mix things up. That’s what I did when I ventured to Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort in Eastern Oregon.
We’re excited to roll out all kinds of new Loam Coffee apparel and goods. Who doesn’t love a great t-shirt, dad hat, or 5-panel hat? We have them all. So why make apparel and goods? First, it’s a lot of fun!
Check out what we have in our online store …
Summer is always peak travel season, whether they’re big vacation kinds of trips or local and regional weekend excursions. I’ve lost track of how many overnight trips I’ve taken in Nacho the Van over the past few months. When I road trip in Nacho, whether for mountain bike adventures or trail-building events, there are several non-negotiable items that I bring … my bike and gear (helmet, shoes, etc.), plenty of water, and stuff to make coffee. Here’s what I’ve learned about making good coffee while traveling …
There’s something about backcountry trail work. Out of cell service, away from the crowds, and rough and raw trails that see very little use. That was what the Orogenesis Klickitat Sisters Stewardship Campout was all about. Two days of trail work on the remote Kilckitat Trail. What’s the goal? To piece together the longest mountain bike trail in the world. That is the vision of Gabe Tiller and Orogenesis.
Coffee is a great way to serve people and create community. Coffee shops and pubs are excellent places for nurturing relationships. Why? People linger over drinks as they meet with friends and colleagues to talk and share. What about bike shops? How about providing bike-oriented specialty coffee at your bike shop?
This year marks the 90th anniversary of when the moka pot was invented. When using the moka pot, there are usually two distinct camps: those who swear by it and those who swear at it. You’re either hot or cold about it, with very little middle ground.