Loam Coffee

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Looking for Travel Pouch Testers and Content Creators

Yes, you heard that right! We’re pretty stoked about our new travel pouches. While they truly are convenient and easy to use, don’t think that this means the coffee is inferior and tasteless—quite the opposite. While I’ll circle back to the coffee in a moment, I want to share with you what we’re looking for and how you can become a Loam Coffee Roasters travel pouch tester and content creator. Here’s how …

First, we’re looking for people who will test-drive our travel pouches. To take them on gravel rides, bikepacking adventures, campouts, or local #coffeeoutside meetups.

Second, we know that you’re highly creative and love making content. All we ask is you snap some quality photos (or create a video) of our travel pouches in the wild while you brew. Also, don’t forget to enjoy the coffee! We selected a fruity, naturally-processed Ethiopian with a high cupping score (92). This coffee is straight fire.

Third, share your content on your social media platforms and tag us.

Fourth, please share your photos and/or videos with us (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).

That’s it! This is not a contest where we randomly draw names. Please fill out the form below. If we think you’re a good fit, we’ll follow up. Keep in mind that we also want to spread these travel pouches out to different parts of the U.S. and the world. That means we’re looking to send our travel pouches out to a variety of places.

See this form in the original post

Words and photo by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com