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Looking for Travel Pouch Testers and Content Creators

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Looking for Travel Pouch Testers and Content Creators

Yes, you heard that right! We’re pretty stoked about our new travel pouches. While they truly are convenient and easy to use, don’t think that this means the coffee is inferior and tasteless—quite the opposite. While I’ll circle back to the coffee in a moment, I want to share with you what we’re looking for and how you can become a Loam Coffee Roasters travel pouch tester and content creator. Here’s how …

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Here's Your Chance to Win FREE Travel Pouches


Here's Your Chance to Win FREE Travel Pouches

There’s been a lot of excitement over our new travel pouches. From race event organizers, bikepackers, gravel riders, and more, we’ve heard from you all … and more. So we decided to give away some of our travel pouches and let more of you test drive these. Let us know what you think. Here’s how you win …


Thank You for Caring and Your Support ... Now, Who Wants a Free Bag of Coffee?


Thank You for Caring and Your Support ... Now, Who Wants a Free Bag of Coffee?

In the midst of a frustrating past week dealing with a stolen and now recovered van, there has been a huge bright spot … YOU! Sure, the van thing was annoying, but it’s not the end of the world. The best part of this whole experience is seeing how so many of you care. Many of you reached out to me because you even wanted to give to help fix up Nacho the Van. That was genuinely humbling. Thank you. I am grateful for you.

Now, who wants to win a bag of coffee?
