Taking over Loam Coffee on paper was easy. Reconnecting with many of you has been meaningful and a lot of fun. Even putting in the work on Instagram is already moving things forward and back on an upward trajectory. There is all the tedious admin work that’s been taking a while to sort through and create systems. Oh, but then there’s coffee.

I mean, we are LOAM COFFEE. We’re about coffee, right? That means that while social media and admin stuff are essential, so is getting a new influx of coffees up on our website and fun new labels to go with it. And that’s where we’re at today, introducing you to several new coffees. We’ve had them on our website for a few days, but now it’s time to share them.

Over the years, one of the enjoyable parts of Loam Coffee was trying different coffee bags and label designs. Back in the day ... WAY BACK ... we used kraft bags with stamps. Since then, we’ve played with various iterations. This time around, we’re keeping it simple and more minimalist. Just two kinds of bags. One for our single-origin offerings and the other for our blends. That said, here are some of the new coffees we’re roasting and selling.

Colombia Huila El Tiple Excelso

This is a washed coffee with a medium body and bright acidity. Some flavor notes are bittersweet chocolate, caramel, almond, and citrus.

Tanzania Songwe Hezya Peaberry

This is another washed coffee with a medium body, bright, and with flavor notes of black currant, raspberry, and passion fruit and is tea-like.

Those are two of our newest coffees. We also have the following …

So there you have it—just a quick update on some new coffees we’re rolling out. Again, and I can’t say it enough, thank you for going on this adventure with me. It’s such a blast re-envisioning Loam Coffee, dreaming of where I want to take it, and then putting that plan into action. None of this would be possible without you.

Photo and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com
