Mountain biking is about community. It’s also a special community. It’s not exclusive to mountain biking but is also found in BMX, gravel, cyclocross, etc. When we gather together to ride, laugh, and be together, we believe something special happens.

At the same time, we know that we can connect with one another worldwide through social media. I understand that much of social media has been hijacked to divide, promote, sell, etc. When social media first burst onto the scene, we all went bonkers with excitement. Why? Because of a sudden, we were able to connect with friends and family that we rarely see and meet new people. It was about connecting. For many people, it still is. That is the ethos we want to tap into with our Loam Coffee Ambassador Program.

Most of us long and hunger for community. While we know the community through social media doesn’t replace in-person community; however, it can bring meaning to the digital space if done well. But you already know that. That’s why you gather with friends to ride, laugh, and in the process, make memories and forge deeper friendships (or make new ones). And then you post on social media to share these moments.

When you sign up to be part of the Loam Coffee Ambassador Program, you get access to discounts and a rider-only newsletter where we share insider news, updates, personal stuff, and other info. We also get to share your content on social media and on our website. So when you’re out ripping with friends on a fantastic weekend in Moab or Les Gets, and you tag us, we get to share your stoke with even more people. That’s one small way we want to build community.

If you’re interested or have any questions, click the button below and drop me an email.

Photos and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

