Loam Coffee

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Introducing LOAM ... a Brand New Magazine

From the get-go at Loam Coffee, one of our taglines has been … Coffee, Stories, Stoke. Stories have played a considerable role in what we do. That mostly has been about writing articles for the website about all-things coffee and mountain biking. We’ve decided to turn our love for writing and stories into our very own “zine” (mini-magazine).

It’s called LOAM.

In our first issue, we’re featuring three articles:

  1. Coffee and Trail Go Together

  2. Why Trails Matter

  3. Is It Time to Have the Sustainability Conversation?

Initially, it’ll be a digital-only magazine. Who knows, maybe it’ll soon turn into print? Time will tell. But we at least wanted to test the waters first.

So how do you get a copy of the magazine? It’s easy and straightforward. You sign up for our newsletter (button below).

If you’re already a subscriber, we’ll send it to you directly through our newsletter when each issue comes out. That’s it.

Why are we doing this? A free magazine? It’s because of you. We’re seven years old, and many of you have been journeying with us on this great adventure for a long time. And so we say thank you. It’s our way of demonstrating our gratitude to you. Without you, there would be no Loam Coffee. Thank you.

Photos and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com