From the get-go at Loam Coffee, one of our taglines has been … Coffee, Stories, Stoke. Stories have played a considerable role in what we do. That mostly has been about writing articles for the website about all-things coffee and mountain biking. We’ve decided to turn our love for writing and stories into our very own “zine” (mini-magazine).
It’s called LOAM.
In our first issue, we’re featuring three articles:
Coffee and Trail Go Together
Why Trails Matter
Is It Time to Have the Sustainability Conversation?
Initially, it’ll be a digital-only magazine. Who knows, maybe it’ll soon turn into print? Time will tell. But we at least wanted to test the waters first.
So how do you get a copy of the magazine? It’s easy and straightforward. You sign up for our newsletter (button below).
If you’re already a subscriber, we’ll send it to you directly through our newsletter when each issue comes out. That’s it.
Why are we doing this? A free magazine? It’s because of you. We’re seven years old, and many of you have been journeying with us on this great adventure for a long time. And so we say thank you. It’s our way of demonstrating our gratitude to you. Without you, there would be no Loam Coffee. Thank you.