We’ve all done it. Yes, we’ve had bad coffee. I know, crazy, right? Here in Portland, if I’m out and about, there’s no end to the options of fantastic coffee around the city. At home or at the shop, I can drink one cup of Loam Coffee after another. There’s never a day when I’m tempted to even consider drinking lousy coffee. But when I leave the city? Well, that’s a different conversation.

On the road, seemingly anything goes. Sugary cold brews in a can at the gas station. Or worse, gas station coffee. Usually burnt. But do you have to compromise and drink bad coffee once you leave your home and the city? It doesn’t have to be that way.

You can actually drink excellent coffee wherever you go. (and by excellent coffee, we mean (cough), Loam Coffee).

So how do you drink good coffee on the road? Easy. Here are some simple steps to unlock the secret to never settling for bad coffee again on the road. Be forewarned, though; it takes a little bit of work, forethought, planning, and buying a few items. Ready?

STEP 1 - Buy a 5LB bag of Loam Coffee. Sure, one of our 12oz bags is great, but you definitely don’t want to run our (unless you’re going on a day trip).

STEP 2 - You need to figure out how to heat water. Many options range from a Jetboil to a camp stove. I use a small, inexpensive ($30) camp stove and a Hario pourover kettle (found for $10 at Goodwill). There are two things to think through … (a) how you’re going to heat your water and (2) in what? Again, a Jetboil covers both in one; however, pouring with a Jetboil for a pourover isn’t the easiest, but it does work for Aeropress, or you can get the attachments for a French Press. I prefer a separate pourover kettle.

STEP 3 - How will you grind your coffee? The simplest and most cost-effective way is to buy a $15 knockoff hand grinder off Amazon. You can find ones with ceramic burrs that work great. I personally use an electric grinder which means I also have an electric power bank (240w) to power it. I also have an adaptor to plug into my lighter in my van. Both ways work. There’s a wide spectrum of choices and ideas.

This is plenty to get you started. You don’t have to drink bad coffee because you leave your home and head to the trail or camp. You can have amazing coffee wherever you are. So let’s start with Step 1, click. the button below to buy a bag of Loam Coffee to have delivered to your doorstep.

Photos and words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com
