Loam Coffee was created to roast and deliver coffee to mountain bikers. Simple as that. However, it’s also not as simple as that. Why? Because none of us are purely “one thing.” Meaning, we’re not only mountain bikers. We all have a wide variety of hobbies and activities we’re involved in … hiking, fly fishing, rock climbing, motocross, city bike commuting, backpacking, bike touring or bikepacking, cyclocross, CrossFit, and so much more.

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More and more we’re learning to see that what binds us together is more than mountain biking, it’s everything that goes with it … the love of the outdoors, adventure, travel, coffee, camping, advocacy work, trail building, and more. In other words, none of us are merely in one box or category in life. In reality we exist is so many different spaces and places. We’re not solely mountain bikers and that’s it. We’re complicated. ;-)

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As a company we’re continuing to grow as well as grow up. We’re learning to see who we’re connecting with … and why. Sure, for many it was and is mountain biking that was a first connection (and rightly so!). However, for many more it’s the other things listed above … travel, adventure, outdoor lifestyle, and pushing ourselves to go beyond our limits. It’s a lifestyle. A mindset. An ethos. A love. A passion.

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We’re excited about the future of our company. So much has happened over the last 6 years since we started. That includes growing pains, making mistakes, and learning from them. We’re excited and humbled that you’ve been journeying with us. We can’t thank you enough. None of this would be possible without you!
