The AeroPress is the go-to brew method of choice for many who enjoy a cup of coffee outdoors … as well as in their warm kitchen at home. I’ve been using an AeroPress for the last several years. While I rotate through brew methods at home I have been using the AeroPress exclusively for the last 2 months. There’s just something about it that makes an incredible cup of coffee. Plus the ease of clean-up keeps me coming back.

A few months ago I picked up the new AeroPress Go Travel Coffee Press. I’m always on the hunt for new or different ways to brew coffee at home, on the trail, or on the road. Since this is billed as a travel set-up I knew I had to give it a try. The aim is to deliver the AeroPress and accessories in a travel-size compact kit. Here is what I discovered and why I’m a HUGE fan of this.

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The immediate noticeable “a-ha” moment was the realization that … yes, it actually is an all-in-one travel kit. Everything you need comes packaged to fit inside the plastic container (with a rubber lid) which ends up being the cup you press your coffee into and drink out of. When I use my “regular” AeroPress I have my recipe dialed in … 17g of coffee with 220g of water. However, the new travel size is a touch smaller which is essential for traveling, on the trail, or at the trailhead. For the new size I adjusted my recipe slightly to accommodate the smaller size … 15g of coffee with 195g of water.

What does the new AeroPress Go Travel Coffee Press kit come with?

  1. AeroPress.

  2. Cup to store everything which doubles as the cup to press your coffee into and drink out of.

  3. A small thin container which holds about 5 paper filters. You also get 350 filters to start with.

  4. A foldable stir stick.

  5. The filter basket.

  6. A rubber lid which holds the contents in when you' pack it away.

  7. A coffee scooper.


What are the benefits of this new travel set-up?

Like I said, I’ve been using this new AeroPress Go Travel Coffee Press at home daily for my coffee needs. A couple weeks ago I had my first real travel test. It was a quick 2-night trip to the other side of the country. I normally pack light so that means hardly anything so I can fit my bag under the plane seat in front of me. For this trip all I packed was my camera and a couple extra lenses, one change of clothes, toiletries, my AeropPress Go Travel Coffee Press kit, enough coffee for exactly 4 cups a coffee, travel scale, hand grinder, my laptop, iPad, and a couple books. I was set.

Because my travel backpack is also a camera bag there are designated compartments for my camera body and lenses. I was able to fit the AeroPress travel kit into one of the slots for my lenses and it fit perfectly. Because I also filled in the extra space inside the kit with whole coffee beans it caught the suspicion of the security guard at the check point screening. I knew that would happen as it’s happened before when I travel with coffee. But I didn’t mind because I got to share about my new cool coffee set-up and didn’t mind showing it off.

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That night I got to the hotel and crashed. Since I woke up at 7 AM EST the next morning my body was not happy as it was telling me it was still on 4 AM PST time. But I was ready … coffee. Just like I do at home, I got my coffee out, measured it, hand ground it, and used the coffee maker in the room for hot water (after running water through it several times to clean the machine which removed as much previous bad coffee flavors from it).

I’m going to lie, I felt pretty smug drinking my cup of Loam Coffee instead of the low quality hotel coffee. More importantly, the travel kit worked incredibly well. While I know the brewing method part was nothing new as far as an AeroPress go, what I was excited about was how compact it was. While it did come with a scooper I left that at home. Since I use a scale, and in this case a small travel scale, I can be precise with weighing my coffee and water. So yes, what that means beyond the travel kit you still need to pick up a scale, a compact hand grinder, and have a way to heat your water between 202-205 degrees.

If I were giving this a star rating it’d be 5 stars (out of 5). I love this new travel kit. You would too.

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Words and Photo by Sean Benesh

Founder of Loam Coffee

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