Living in the Pacific Northwest is to dwell in a land shaped by deep tectonic forces. Yesterday as I was driving the clouds parted to reveal the grandeur of Mt. Hood. The way the light hit all of its ridges, glaciers, and crevasses, plus a fresh coat of snow, it looked as though it had been plucked from the middle of the Himalayas and plopped in Oregon. It was breathtaking. Sometimes I forget that it is an active volcano.

Looking to the north from Portland on a sunny day one can see the rounded nub of Mt. St. Helens. Another reminder of the region’s volcanism. Every now and then in the newspaper we read about imminence of the “Big One” … the massive landscape-altering and destructive earthquake that could hit at any moment. Portions of Portland’s land could be liquified. To live in the PNW is to be cognizant of these subterranean realities. A placid ocean could turn tsunami warning at any offshore earthquake that hits. Life below shapes life up above.

That is how I can summarize 2019 for Loam Coffee. Usually end-of-the-year articles, videos, and such are a celebration of the hypefest that transpired during the year. But for Loam Coffee most of what took place happened far from social media, our website, events, or anything visible. There was a subterranean movement.

I’m a starter. I love starting new things. I have something in the works that’ll sync up with Loam Coffee that I’m excited to share down the road. Another one of the side projects I’ve been involved in is working with and leading numerous online cohorts helping people launch social enterprises. What I love is walking through the business plan portion of it … how to create one from start. The vision, mission, objectives, core values, financials, etc, etc, etc. Interestingly since these pieces are constantly before me it means I’m always sharing and talking about Loam Coffee. It has been beyond helpful. Refining.

If I’ve learned anything it is this … building brands is a crazy amount of fun. From an idea to implementation and growth is exhilarating. I’ve also learned patience through the process. I’m building something to last which means I’m never in a rush because so much of the work is actually subterranean in nature. It’s the stuff you don’t see … the vision, mission, values, objectives which influences decisions, processes, etc. The kind of stuff that sits in a Google doc that gets revisited constantly. The kind of stuff that gets printed out and taped into my planner where it’s before me always.

These act as the rudder of the ship or boat known as Loam Coffee. It’s always interesting that regardless of how large or small a boat is that they are guided by a tiny rudder (in proportion to the boat) that is out of sight under the water. Yet without a rudder the boat becomes listless carried by the waves, currents, and winds at random. 2019 was a big step forward as to living deeper into our vision, mission, and values. Also, it was a year leaning more into our brand and identity … who we are, who we’re here for, and where we’re going. As oddly as it sounds, we’re finding our voice and growing comfortable in our own skin as a company.

I cannot say thank you enough for all of you who’re adventuring with us. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve you. Thank you for an amazing 2019. I’m even more excited for 2020.

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Words and Photo by Sean Benesh

Founder of Loam Coffee
