The coffee world can be intimidating and parochial. There are those who are "in" and "get it" and then there is everyone else. You know the feeling, right? You go to that posh new coffee shop that opened in your city and when you step to the counter you feel like the barista is sizing you up. If you utter the wrong word or coffee descriptor then you're relegated to a coffee Neanderthal. We've all had that experience and feeling.

But should it be that way?

Coffee is a lot of fun. It's more than "hot bean juice" too. We drink coffee because we love it ... the tasting notes, how it feels when we take a sip, and of course the other benefits like caffeine. But it's more like a lifestyle accessory. However, that doesn't mean it should be inaccessible without insider knowledge.

So what is one affordable essential needed for the next time you go camping or want to brew coffee at the trailhead?

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A gas stove.

Many of you are Jetboil fans (and rightly so!). There are also more affordable options. We use these inexpensive gas stoves (see pics) for outdoor coffee events. As you can see from the photos they are pretty simple. They cost around $20-$25 and the fuel is cheap too. While you'll still need to pick up a kettle it's something you can also find on the cheap. Sometimes it makes sense to pay for brand names and other times it doesn't. If you're lucky enough you can snag one at your local thrift store.

The point is this: we want to see more of you enjoy coffee outside. It's an experience unlike anything else. We want to share with you simple and affordable ways to do so. Also, that means you're freed up to save for that new plush Fox fork for your bike. ;-)

When we piece together brew methods for our website we curate a wide variety. From pourovers to aeropress to espresso. What's the best way? The one you enjoy. Click on the button to check out some other brew methods.

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Words by Sean Benesh

Founder of Loam Coffee
