Loam Coffee

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The Summer 2024 LOAM Zine is HERE!!!

Summer is in full swing around here. That includes coming through an obscene heat wave throughout the West. Warm temps and sunshine are great reminders that summer is upon us. Even more so, the Summer 2024 LOAM Zine is here! Here’s what you can expect in our latest FREE digital zine …

First of all, the LOAM Zine is a labor of love. For those who’ve been following along, you know that I also run Trail Builder Magazine. That means my mind constantly thinks about writing, photography, and publishing content. That was one of the main motivating factors in launching our own zine for Loam Coffee. Besides, our tagline is coffee, stories, and stoke. What better way to share more stories than with our own zine?

Will this zine ever become printed? Who knows. Time will tell. Until then, writing and sharing content about coffee, adventure, and bikes is fun. Here are the articles found in our summer issue.

Coffee Reflections from Thailand

I recently returned from a trip to Bangkok, Thailand. In this article, I share about my coffee adventures and explorations throughout the city. Even more so, there were several “a-ha!” that have been helpful for me to think through for Loam Coffee.

Loam Coffee x Trail Builder Magazine

I am making a concerted effort to overlap the work I am doing leading Loam Coffee Roasters and Trail Builder Magazine. I want to be more upfront about this and really show how both companies complement one another.

Leveraging Coffee for the Common Good

Another part of Loam Coffee that I’m more vocal about is the desire to continue pursuing the double-bottom line. Yes, we want to continue to grow as a company but also to make an impact. Profitability = bottom line. Social impact = double bottom line.

How to Make Good Coffee on the Road

Since it is summer, many of us are road-tripping all over the place. How do you make good coffee on the road? This is an article to help you plan so that when you leave home, your coffee experience doesn’t have to suffer.

So, how do you get access to the LOAM Zine, especially since it is FREE? Click the link below to sign up for our newsletter. Once you do, you will receive an email with the link to download and read our zine. It is a PDF, ensuring you can enjoy it on any mobile device or your computer with ease.

Thank you so much for going on this coffee adventure together!

Words by Sean Benesh

Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager

Email: sean@loamcoffee.com