Loam Coffee

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New Year, New Loam?

It’s the end of January. By now many New Year’s resolutions are beginning to lose their luster. Those three pounds lost in the first two weeks of the year are fighting to jump back on. Going to the gym is turning into, well, work (it is called a “workout”). Your goal of reading 20 … 30 … 52 books has already hit a snag and you’re a week behind. Resolutions and proclamations of a “new year, new me” are fun to announce and post on social media, but as February nears our mettle is tested. “Will this be the year?” we wonder to ourselves. “Can I really turn the corner of kicking old habits and starting new ones?” (We sure hope so!)

Ironically it has also become “new year, new Loam.” Well, it just happened to coincide with the launch of a new year, but we recently rolled out new bags. This is now our 4th iteration or version of our bags as we continue to develop, evolve, and grow. Plus, it is also fun and exciting to tweak, experiment, and grow the brand. Besides, we see this all of the time in mountain biking.

Every year bike brands roll out new bikes. By the end of the year many of us are off-loading the current year’s models and buying the next year’s ones. In many cases what distinguishes one year from another is simply a new paint job and newer or different components. We get it, understand it, but we’re still hyped on the new frame. That’s how we view our bags. Always changing, experimenting, and adapting. It’s a lot of fun.

So we rolled out a new bag for 2019.

We also are changing some of the names of what we call the coffee we sell. For our single origin coffees we had previously named them after some trails … Boondocker, Mystery DH, and Fire Hydrant. Instead we’re calling our single origin offerings by the coffee that they are (like the Colombia Huila Garźon Mitaca). Since coffee is a seasonal crop it also means throughout the year we continue to rotate through new coffees to enjoy.

While our new bags are not nearly as ambitious as your new year’s resolutions, they are a fun change for us. We hope you enjoy.