Loam Coffee

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What's the Best Way to Brew Coffee?

Arguing over brew methods is like debating whether 27.5 wheels are better than 29 ... or 27.5+, 29+, or even (gulp) 26. It is all in the eye of the beholder. As soon as we write off 26" wheels Brandon Semenuk wins the Redbull Rampage 2016 on a 26er (see bike check here). So when it comes to brew methods we all have our favorites ... and they all merit our attention and affection. But to say which one is "better?" ... whew, good luck.

Maybe the first question you need to ask yourself is where are you brewing your coffee? The where question determines much. In your warm kitchen? On the side of a sheer rock face dangling 500 feet above the ground in a suspended tent? At the campground in an RV? In a tent? In the back of your truck at the trailhead? How you answer those questions will begin sending you in a certain direction.

The good news? Manual brew methods are most often cheap ways to make coffee. Meaning, you can snag a number of brew options and simply experiment at home, rotate through different ones during the week, and refine your recipes to find your favorites. Remember, brewing #coffeeoutside means that at times you'll be doing so in weather that doesn't always want to cooperate. Whatever you do choose, make sure you're comfortable with it and can make coffee when it is dark, windy, rainy, or snowy. You'll be happy you trained ... and so will your friends.

If you need ideas for different manual brew methods you check out our growing list here, but our list is far from exhaustive. Remember, each brew methods accentuates something different about the coffee. French press brews tend to be thicker (more mouth feel) than say a pourover, moka pots make coffee somewhere in between drip and espresso, and so on.

So take time this winter to expand your manual brew methods. This is a skill just as invaluable as truing a wheel alongside the trail or zip-tying a broken derailleur to the frame. You won't regret it.