Loam Coffee

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Building Community Around Coffee and Mountain Biking

Why do we ride bikes? In particular, why do we ride mountain bikes? Yes, we can talk about the health benefits of an active lifestyle, but it’s much more than that. Ultimately we ride because of the community. We’re part of a cultural tribe, a group of people who share our same interests and passions. If we meet a stranger who’s a fellow rider, then all of a sudden, the conversation shifts … what bike do you ride? Where are your favorite places to ride? Tell me about your bike rack or conversion van.


Riding mountain bikes is that connective tissue that binds us together. I see this all of the time at the trailheads as strangers interact. I notice this at trail building days where after a few hours of moving dirt, strangers become friends? Why? Bikes.

And then you add coffee into the equation, and it is like a multiplier. Having served coffee at many mountain bike events and trail building days, there’s nothing better than seeing a group of mountain bikers standing around and sipping on freshly brewed coffee. Having a cup in your hand changes the relational dynamics. Introverts now have something to hold, which aids in conversation. The caffeine perks up the mind and loosens the tongue.

Coffee + mountain biking = community.

Show up at a trailhead with a pot of coffee, offer it to strangers, and within minutes they are strangers no more. But this is why we ride and drink coffee … community. And that’s why we do what we do. Community.