Loam Coffee

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Drink Coffee, Ride Bikes, and Do Good

I feel as though I'm always poking and prodding topics that, while they are near and dear in the world of coffee and bikes, don't always garner the most attention. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people talking, writing, and doing these things. They just don't snag the headlines like when Trek releases a new frame, Marzocchi drops a new fork, or the latest happenings in the DH World Cup. Don't worry, no conspiracy theories harbored here and, like you, I love reading about all the latest happenings in the mountain bike world.

With that said, I'm always mindful of what ultimately I want to be a part of. Building and growing Loam Coffee certainly allows me the creative freedom and opportunity to pursue these endeavors related to the title of this article ... Drink Coffee, Ride Bikes, and Do Good. This past month has been a great refining time here at Loam HQ as we've been working through core pieces of our identity as a company, where we're going, how to get there, and so on. More than anything it was wrestling with the question, "How do we leverage our brand and network to make an impact beyond roasting and selling coffee?"

That question has been the guiding principle of what it means and looks like for Loam Coffee moving forward. You see, it's not that we have to even choose to do one or the other. We can (and still do) focus on roasting the best coffee we find and getting that coffee into your hands. We can (and still do) focus on connecting deeper into the mountain biking community. In the midst of all of this we want to also leverage our brand, assets, and network to make an impact for good.

The fun part is we can do this discreetly with no fanfare or hype. The last thing we want is people to assume we're doing things as a publicity stunt or for ulterior motives. Instead, we care deeply about topics and issues like economic development in declining rural areas, equity, access to mountain biking, and more. These are some of the topics and realities we will continue to wrestle with and figure out how to come alongside of, and in a humble posture, to assist.

Thank you for being part of the journey with us. Thank you for your support of Loam Coffee.

Words by Sean Benesh, Loam Coffee Founder and Brand Manager. Photos by Jason O'Neil