Loam Coffee

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Hipsters in the Land of Mountain Bikers

The coffee scene has gone through a lot of twists, turns, and changes over the millennia. Particularly over the last 75 years have we seen successive "waves" of changes ... from large commercial brands like Folgers and Maxwell House (first wave) to Starbucks, Seattle's Best, and Peets (second wave) to now the explosion of third wave or specialty roasters with early pioneers in the mid to late 90s like Stumptown, Counter Culture, and Intelligentsia. So what is the third wave? According to Scott Rao the third wave "now typically refers to companies favoring lighter roasts and brewed-to-order coffee made by hipsters" (The Coffee Roaster's Companion, 11).

Wait, hipsters?

I thought Loam Coffee was a coffee by mountain bikers for mountain bikers. True and true. Can mountain bikers be hipsters? Can a hipster be a mountain biker? I'm confused.

For the past year and a half as we have gotten to know you we have now sent out orders to states and provinces across the US and Canada and to countries around the world. We know where many of you live since we ship out coffee to you. Our fanbase is everything ... urban, suburban, and rural. But for every Loam Coffee fan and rider in Squamish there are five in Vancouver. For every fan in Hood River there are ten in Portland. For every fan in Crested Butte there are eight in Denver.

We dwell in this paradoxical world as we live and roast in the heart of urban Portland. That means life in the city is about getting around on bicycles, public transit, and hanging out in the multitude of other coffee shops and roasters. But we also pack up and shred in places like Post Canyon in Hood River or on Mt Hood. We have fans who rock the skinny jeans and hipster sensibilities. On the other hand we have fans who rock the camo cargo short and drive gas-guzzling pick-up trucks.

But that's ok. We love all of you just for who you are. It is at this intersection of coffee (third wave) and mountain biking that brings us all together. Besides, after a few sips of coffee we realize that we're all just a bunch of Neanderthal mountain bikers anyways.

(Shout out to The Flannel Crew for the bottom two pics)